We provide support coordination to those with developmental disabilities

Our Support Coordinators listen to individuals'
needs, struggles, strengths, and dreams.

Our Support Coordinators work with you to write a plan with goals that will help you find a way to cope with your struggles, find value in your strengths, and realize your dreams. There is never a time crunch for reaching goals. There is strength in knowing that you have a Support Coordinator who is there for you, answers when you call, visits your home, and will patiently help you.

Parents and Guardians, your Support Coordinator is someone who will…

  • Listen to you while you cry because your child with developmental disabilities has been up for two days (and so have you).

  • Find a way to give you relief and a way to pay for that relief.

  • Listen to you when your adolescent is out of control, and you feel that you have no options.

  • Help you have your adolescent assessed by a mental health professional and link you with needed services.

  • Listen to your fears when your adult with developmental disabilities says he wants to move out of the house on his own.

  • Find out how much help your adult will need to be safe while living outside your home.

Without SNS Services, Aaron thinks he probably wouldn’t be here…

After being diagnosed with Autism in 2011, Aaron and his mom discovered Special Needs Services of Ray County. Now they are able to find the right people and the right services to meet Aaron’s needs at each stage of his life.

Because of SNS Aaron is living a more fulfilling life…