About Us

Our team specializes in assisting those individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and their support group. Through years of experience, we’re confident that no problem is too great to overcome.

SNS is a Tiered Supports Agency

Our support coordination staff are trained and competent in implementation of universal positive practices.

Our Values


Through compassion, we create connections.

Compassion means not only caring about one another but also acting accordingly.


Through connection, we earn respect.

Connection is when two or more people interact, and each person feels valued, seen, and heard. It is the feeling of being part of a community engaged in something bigger than any one person.


Compassion, Connection, Respect

Respect is the act of showing appreciation for someone's traits, and qualities, or treating people with dignity and gratitude. An attitude of respect should come as a standard in the workplace regardless of any personal feelings.

SNS is Run By a Board of Directors

  • Kirk Thacker

    Board Chairman

    Founding Member 2016

  • Jodi Dugan

    Vice Chairman
    Member Since 2022

  • Kelly Lampkin

    Founding Member 2016

  • Kathie Root-Gaines

    Member Since 2022

  • Thomas Burton

    Member Since 2023

  • Julie Chowning

    Member Since 2024

The Board believes that:

A. Individuals with developmental disabilities are valuable people with the right to plan how they live, work, and socialize.

B. Individuals with developmental disabilities have the right to privacy, dignity, respect, and freedom from coercion.

C. Individuals with developmental disabilities shall retain their rights to the fullest extent possible and fully participate in decisions made about their major life activities.

D. Individuals with developmental disabilities have the right to appropriate services and supports across their life span. Individuals have the responsibility to not request services that are not justified or supplant those provided through another funding stream.

E. Individuals with developmental disabilitires that are financially disadvantaged have the right to access Board programs for funding or in-kind contributions as funding becomes available.

The SNS Board employs an Executive Director for day-to-day operations.


Suzan Breen has been a resident of Ray County for over 25 years. She is the founder and Executive Director of Special Needs Services of Ray County. She worked for the State of Missouri in developmental disabilities from 1999 to 2013. Suzan worked for Ray County Board of Services for the Developmentally Disabled between November 2013 and December 2016 as the Targeted Case Management Director. Suzan was given support from that employer to create this non-profit perpetual entity that provides support coordination to Ray County citizens.

Suzan is well known within the entire State of Missouri as a tireless advocate for individuals and for her ability to match individuals with unmet needs to resources. She is the primary caregiver for an individual with developmental disabilities. Suzan is a member of Rayville Christian Union Church and Richmond Rotary. Suzan was a former leader of the Guys N’ Gals 4-H Club of Ray County.


International Day of People with Disabilities 2022

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