Obtaining Services with Special Needs Services of Ray County and Beyond!

Obtaining Services With SNS

First: Complete the intake process through the Kansas City Regional Office (KCRO) by calling 816-889-3452

KCRO intake and eligibility staff oversee the determination of individuals' eligibility for Division of Developmental Disabilities (DD) Services. Based on the information you provide, a packet of forms will be mailed to you. It is very important that you complete these forms and return them as quickly as possible. This will help speed up the process of determining your eligibility.

Next: Once you are eligible, your Special Needs Services support coordinator will contact you within five working days.

Obtaining Services through Medicaid

When we help you, we charge Medicaid for that service. In order to participate in a waiver for long-term funding you must maintain active Medicaid.

To apply for Mo Health Net, Mo Medicaid, please go to the following link: https://mydss.mo.gov/

Things you will need:

  1. Email address

  2. Your DCN Number

  3. Date of Birth

  4. Social Security Number

  5. Address

  6. Pen and Paper to keep notes and passwords on

Once there, depending on your needs, you may click on different sections of the page.

For renewals, click on Renewal or click here https://mydss.mo.gov/renew

New applicants will start here: https://my.mo.gov/fsdbenefits

It will begin with

  • Step 1: Create an Account

  • Step 2: Log into your Account

  • Step 3: Enter Multi-Factor Authorization Code

  • Step 4: Set up Account Security Questions

  • Step 5: Connect your personal profile

  • Step 6: Now it is time to create your account!

For in-home services through Straight Medicaid

To apply for personal care services through the Division of Senior and Disability Services (DSDS), go to: https://health.mo.gov/seniors/

Click on the second blue box, Online Referrals for Home and Community-Based Services are Now Available

When a pop-up box appears, click the orange “Yes” to continue to the Online HCBS Referral Form

The form, eleven short pages, must be completed in one sitting, you cannot save and go back.